
Business Owners of All Kinds Need to Keep Up With Reviews Online

Even businesses that do a good job of satisfying their customers sometimes fall prey to negative reviews online. Customers who are at all disappointed are much more likely than others to leave feedback and ratings at the many sites today where they are solicited. Review Monitoring that identifies such problems and allows them to be addressed quickly can be a real asset for just about any modern business. Keeping up with reviews online is the best way to ensure that negative takes on a company's offerings do not start to dominate the conversation. A Simple Seeming Activity That Often Turns Out to be Complex and Difficult Unfortunately, business owners who try to start review monitoring on their own inevitably run into some serious roadblocks. Reviews are not just hosted on one or a handful of sites today; they are collected and published on dozens. Add to this the fact that each of these review aggregators has its own standards and processes, and business owners often find t...